Teavana PerfecTea Infuser Review

The Teavana PerfecTea Infuser is a brilliant and innovative tea brewing system. The device has a main chamber that is used to steep the tea. There is a filter that snaps in and out of the bottom of the chamber. A popup valve on the bottom releases the tea out of the bottom of the Teavana directly into your mug, similarly to the popup valve on a coffee pot. The entire assembly is made from a transparent plastic that is quite lightweight but surprisingly rigid. The lightweight plastic can make the infuser feel a bit cheap, however, it is not a problem when the Teavana is full of water. The brilliance of the Teavana is how well the tea steeps because the tea is able to circulate freely in the water. Normally, in order to steep tea like this would require a cup top strainer. I’ll leave a link in the description to a video on those. Teavana has moved the strainer inside the device in the form of the filter. To top it all off there is hardly anything more satisfying than watching the Teavana drain into a mug. Let’s be clear, I love the Teavana. However, I would be remiss to say that it is a perfect product. I already touched on its first flaw. The lightweight plastic feels cheap and can make handling the device less enjoyable. In addition to the plastic stains quite severely over time especially with darker teas. This isn’t evident in the first couple weeks of use and doesn’t impact the function of the device, but does impact the look of the product severely. The other issue is with the filter. It is difficult to snap in and out especially for someone with larger hands. In addition to that, the mesh they use is very fine and does a great job of filtering, but the tea leaves can be very difficult to wash out of it especially around the rim of the filter. Overall, the Teavana tea infuser is a great product but no product is perfect. It is possibly the best single serve tea infuser on the market and does a great job as long as stained plastic and you get the hang of using the filter.