Quick Sore Throat Remedy

Today we are going to be making a fast acting and natural cold and sore throat soothing cup of tea.


– Licorice Spice Tea

– Ginger Powder

– Honey

– Lemon or Lemon Juice


1. Brew the Licorice tea for 5 min to get a nice strong cup. Licorice tea has been used for hundreds of years as a cold and sore throat remedy. This is largely due to its effectiveness at clearing out congestion and reducing inflammation. Its soothing effects on the throat are so fast acting you can feel it work while drinking

2. Add a dash of ginger powder and stir in. Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe the throat as well as help settle the stomach.

3. Next, add a teaspoon of honey to the cup and stir until dissolved. This gives the beverage a nice sweetness and honey works as a bit of a natural cough suppressant.

4. Finally, squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the mug. Lemon will help by changing the pH of the environment in the throat making it harder for bad bacteria to survive.

And just like that you have a quick and effective natural sore throat and cough remedy! Cheers!